

Christians are challenged to be generous in every aspect of their lives - giving time, giving money, offering hospitality, and using our skills - in our churches, but also our homes, our workplaces, and communities.

Giving is the outworking of faith.

Generous giving is in response to God's sacrificial love to us and giving is part of our discipleship.

"Each of you must bring a gift in proportion to the way the Lord God has blessed you." Deuteronomy 16:17

Fairfield has a wonderful staff team, a large church building and residential properties for some of our staff, and a commitment to mission and supporting our mission partners - all which have associated financial costs. If you would like to find out more about the church finances - please do come and talk to one of the Leadership team or the Church Office.   

To set up a regular gift via standing order to Fairfield Church:

  • Bank: NatWest
  • Sort Code: 60-15-30
  • Account No: 31805280
  • Acct Name: Northwood Hills Evangelical Church
  • Ref: Your Name

If you are a UK taxpayer, you can Gift Aid your donation and the church can claim an additional 25% on all your gifts at no extra cost to you. Please complete a Gift Aid declaration form and return to the church office. 

Gift Aid form

OR you can give when at Fairfield - 

  • cash/cheque via our donation boxes in the foyer 
  • debit/credit card via our contactless donation stand in the foyer. 

Fairfield Church

Windsor Close, Northwood, HA6 1PD

Contact us