
Our regular events at Fairfield

Connect Groups are our small group meetings for fellowship, friendship, bible study and prayer. They meet every two weeks at various times and days. 

Praying together regularly is also important - find out when our next prayer time is and join us. 

Everyone welcome to any of these regular events at Fairfield during the week

Mondays 2pmSinging with Dementia 
Tuesdays9.30am Tiddlywinks Toddlers 
Wednesdays1.30pm Wednesday Fellowship 
 7.30pm Reach (fun evening for years 7+)
Fridays9.45am Inspire (for ladies)
 10am Coffee Shop
 10.30amTiddlywinks babies

7.30pmLaunchpad (fun evening for ages 7-11 - every two weeks)

Fairfield Church

Windsor Close, Northwood, HA6 1PD

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